Welcome back to Austin wedding music / San Antonio wedding music 101! Today we’re laying out the order of a Catholic wedding ceremony. Although there are some alternate forms of the Rite of Marriage, we’re presenting it in its traditional manner. We’ve noted areas where music usually takes place, as well as areas where may play a role (though it’s not mentioned in the Rite of Marriage – parishioners should verify with their music minister). As you’ll see below, music plays a vital role in the Catholic Wedding Mass – let us know how we can help fill this need.
- Introductory Rites
- Entrance Rite (music typically accompanies)
- Greeting
- Gloria (music typically accompanies)
- Opening Prayer
- Liturgy of the Word
- First reading
- Responsorial Psalm (music typically accompanies)
- Second reading
- Gospel acclamation (music typically accompanies)
- Gospel
- Homily
- Rite of Marriage
- Address and Statement of Intentions
- Consent and Exchange of Vows (music sometimes accompanies)
- Blessing and Exchange of Rings (music sometimes accompanies)
- Profession of Faith
- Prayer of the Faithful
- Liturgy of the Eucharist
- Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts (music typically accompanies)
- Eucharistic Prayer (music sometimes accompanies)
- Sanctus (“Holy, Holy”) (music typically accompanies)
- Memorial Acclamation (music typically accompanies)
- Great Amen (music typically accompanies)
- Communion Rite
- The Lord’s Prayer (music sometimes accompanies)
- Nuptial Blessing
- Sign of Peace
- Lamb of God (music typically accompanies)
- Communion (music typically accompanies)
- Concluding Rite
- Blessing (music sometimes accompanies)
- Dismissal
- Recessional (music typically accompanies)
If you’re planning an office event, chamber concert, wedding ceremony or special event that calls for professional Austin wedding musicians, San Antonio wedding musicians, Austin ceremony musicians or San Antonio ceremony musicians, please contact us so we can help. Our performances can range to include the trumpet, violin, cello, string quartet, and so much more! From traditional wedding music to contemporary choices, we provide the perfect setting for that special event.