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Summer may be the most popular time for weddings, but there are plenty of brides that opt for non-traditional ceremony dates. If you’re focusing on the holiday season as your intended wedding date, you may be considering the use of Christmas music in your ceremony. Here are our suggestions as you begin the planning process:
- Use holiday music sparingly. Christmas and weddings are both times of joy and celebration with family and loved ones, but the emotions behind some holiday music may not blend these two occasions properly.
- If you’re having a church ceremony, you may need to confirm that the holiday music is appropriate for and allowed in the setting.
- Even though retailers have holiday decorations out well before Halloween, Christmas music is best used during the actual holiday season – most likely during the month of December.
- There are lots of holiday songs that don’t actually have anything to do with Christmas. You may want to opt for something along those lines so your ceremony doesn’t lose meaning.
- Go with your gut. It’s your wedding, and ultimately you’re the one who should be happy with your choices. You want your guests to enjoy themselves and feel comfortable, but you want to set up a day that will make you happy and proud.
If you’re planning an office event, chamber concert, wedding ceremony or special event that calls for professional Austin wedding musicians, San Antonio wedding musicians, Austin ceremony musicians or San Antonio ceremony musicians, please contact us so we can help. Our performances can range to include the trumpet, violin, cello, string quartet, and so much more! From traditional wedding music to contemporary choices, we provide the perfect setting for that special event.